May 1Edited

Dima behaves like a little B1TCH because he deletes comments & worse, he blocks users. For this reason, alone, I unsubscribed & many others are doing the same...

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That was an amazing interview. Just like Dima, you have done a great deal to all of us for carrying out this very precise interview.

As I was reading, I couldn't help feeling myself sound like Dima as I was reading his responses. Amazing!

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Thank you for acquainting me with the host of Military Summary.

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Russo fails to really look at Dima's site since it has or had a dominant, christian religious theme ("Neural Holy Bible") that evidently represents what Dima would be doing if the war had not intervened. Gandhi himself admitted that "civil disobedience" is imposition of will and inherently violent, so that for Russo to suggest the political Hindu as an ideal is nonsensical. Then for Dima to be led to worship of the satanic 'Rolling Stones' as some kind of "cultural" ideal is the blackest betrayal of humanity in this context. We have dealt fairly with "Dima" what's-his-name in our reportage:


Note that to view the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.

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Your piece on Dima was a majorly hypothetical and information-empty desk-research you have performed on a youtuber rising in popularity. For any information we find on the net in the current age, scrutiny, critical thinking and continuous education is required. No matter who this guy is and what his convictions are (which is what you focus on in your publication) he is contributing significant value by converging information from multiple sources, while making an effort in keeping subjectivity at a minimum. This is what you guys should try to focus on, delivering value on subjects that people care about. Happy new year and you're welcome.

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Okay, mister, if you are so much smarter. What is Dima's real name so we can subject the man to the "scrutiny" you think is necessary?

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